The Reason For Green Hair In The Summer

Why does blond hair get that tinge of green to it from swimming in pools?


It’s the chlorine and copper in the water.


Copper is used in swimming pools to keep the algae under wraps. We’ve all seen what copper does to roofs and other copper things over time.

copper roof

Chlorine, sun and air oxidize the copper, which gives the hair a greenish cast.

Always be sure to use clarifying shampoos or swimmers shampoo’s to help combat getting green hair.

Check out my post on: Home Remedy For Green Hair Caused By Chlorine And Copper

Judy DeLuca’s Latest Novel

Towel Dry and a Good Cry is about a young girl, new to the hairdressing business, that learns all too quick that there is more to standing behind the chair than just cutting hair.  A story full of laughs and tears lies and fears with characters you’ll love, hate or will leave your jaw hanging open!

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